Do Balinese People Drink Alcohol? :)

Many foreign friends ask me if Balinese people drink alcohol or not. It is an interesting question because the image of Balinese are religious people so they thought we don't drink alcohol. 

Balinese people, like many other cultures around the world, do indeed consume alcohol. While Balinese culture is heavily influenced by Hinduism, which traditionally views alcohol consumption as a form of self-indulgence and therefore something to be avoided, the practice of drinking alcohol is not uncommon among the Balinese population.

It is important to note that Balinese Hinduism, also known as Balinese Hinduism, has a different tradition from Indian Hinduism, which is more strict in terms of alcohol consumption. Balinese Hinduism is more open and tolerant of alcohol consumption, as long as it is done in moderation and not to the point of causing harm to oneself or others.

The most common types of alcohol consumed in Bali are beer and arak, a distilled spirit made from rice or palm sap. Arak is often consumed in traditional ceremonies and festivals, and is also served in local bars and restaurants. Wine and spirits are also available, but are less commonly consumed.

It's worth noting that Balinese people usually drink alcohol on specific occasions, such as at a celebration or a special event, and not as a daily routine. They also tend to drink in moderation and not to the point of being drunk. And also, Balinese people who are members of certain religious orders or those who are involved in certain spiritual practices may choose to abstain from alcohol altogether as a personal choice.

Additionally, it's also important to note that Balinese culture places a strong emphasis on respect for others and for the community, and thus public drunkenness or any behaviour that may cause harm or disturbance to others is not tolerated.

In conclusion, while Balinese culture is heavily influenced by Hinduism, which traditionally views alcohol consumption as something to be avoided, the practice of drinking alcohol is not uncommon among the Balinese population. It is consumed in moderation, on specific occasions and not as a daily routine, and public drunkenness or any behaviour that may cause harm or disturbance to others is not tolerated.

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